Post by Linda on Jul 21, 2006 16:32:56 GMT -5
I have been thinking about alot of things lately. Right now I am doing residentials and I have tried to gain some commercial accounts with no luck. There are alot of things I either dont know how to do or dont do. My question is this... Where can I go or what can I do to start learning things like, strip/finish floors. Carpets, gutter cleaning, ect... Do I call someone in these fields and ask them to train me? Do I try to take a job in one of these fields? Thats a touchy one, because most want you to sign a non-compete. I need hands on training, how do I go about getting it Thanks, Linda PS Kevin, would the videos you sell help me in these areas even though they are not hands on? I am a hands on type person
Post by FreedomClean on Jul 21, 2006 18:05:35 GMT -5
Wow Linda. I have been thinking the same things. I don't feel qualified to do commercial (floor care aside from vacuuming, for example) but I'd love to do commercial. I'll wait for Kevin's answer, but thanks for asking what I was thinking about asking, Linda.
Post by logan5127 on Jul 21, 2006 18:07:37 GMT -5
Linda, A lot of things in life don't just come natural. For example my first carpet cleaning job, my first window cleaning job, my first ceramic tile job where all done with no experience. I went to the suppliers and they explained what I needed and the process to me and I just did it. You learn a lot and you learn fast when you start out. In fact it may actually cost you money on the first couple of jobs. A huge benefit to members here, is all the help right here. I never had that when I started out. You have to be willing to take a step and start the journey. There are several classes also offered by suppliers. Check with all your local or regional suppliers and see if any classes are available in your area. Also members close by may be willing to give you some hands on training. Your welcome to come help us anytime. The free help would be great.
Post by Grizzly on Jul 21, 2006 18:46:33 GMT -5
Linda: All the videos and books will give you the procedure on what you have to do. They don't provide you with the first hand experience of running a swing machine. Ask Stephan if it is as easy as it looks. It also cannot replace one week with a knowledgeable pro of doing work. This is something that you need to budget for, work into your planning and take advantage of. Dan has offerred, I'll offer as well, Ohio is only about 5 hours away by car. I have a LARGE JOB coming up the Labour day weekend.. Source the people in the IJCSA , maybe Kevin knows someone in your area. This is the BEST way to get knowledge in this area.
Post by Linda on Jul 21, 2006 21:52:05 GMT -5
Bill, are we talking Sept. 2nd and 3rd? My sister has a little experience in doing floors and so does my brother, but they were not taught by a professional. That is the only thing that bothers me. You guys are right though, I am not going to learn if I dont jump in and do it. Another problem is I have to actually get the job in order to do it Oh I am stressing Me and my sister are spending the weekend handing out flyers and business cards. I cant afford to take a week off from work and I dont get a vacation and I also have to work Saturdays. This is what is stressing me out. There are road blocks everywhere I turn and I dont know how to get around them right now. When I think things are starting to look good, bamm, hits me right in the face. Maybe it is just me, I dont know. Linda
Post by Kevin on Jul 22, 2006 9:00:25 GMT -5
Quit stressing, you will be fine. Get paid for your training. When you get your first janitorial contract , in most cases you will not be stripping floors or carpet cleaning the first night
The videos won`t really help they are designed for employers who have an understanding, used as a training tool to I believe to complement a thourough training program. This is my advice for jumping into commercial. Find three subcontractors for carpet cleaning first, determine a set price per square foot and advertise carpet cleaning, do the same with floor care strip and wax, wash and wax, buffing. Keep pushing your commercial sales of office cleaning. Unless the new customers at bid request want carpet cleaning or floor care included , write it seperate at a couple of cents more per square foot then you are being charged by the subcontractor. Then go on every single carpet cleaning and floor care job in your facility. Watch, learn, take notes.
Choosing a subcontractor- Make sure they have prior experience, ask if you can view some of their finished work or work that will be in progress. Make sure there insured.
As time passes you watching enough jobs and having resources here will help. When the time comes you remove the subcontractors , and replace them with your staff or keep them onboard continue to make money off their work and be equipment and maintenance free.
Customers will not mind if you sub out this work as long as the price is right, and direct supervision is provided.