Post by Kathleen on Jun 7, 2006 9:07:01 GMT -5
If your wrting your business plan then this can be a great tool...it took me forever to find the info and how to get it with ease. My local Small Business Center charged me $35 for this info...grrrrr So If I can save you time and $$$ ..here it is. The way to find poplulation stats and local business in your area: Go to: www.census.gov/then go to the section called American Fact Finder There you will find stats broken down by state, county, and township. Including race, gender, household income, houshold ownership, and more! Then go to back to www.census.gov/ under the the Economic Census...you will need to look up a code called NAICS to find other businesses in your area. But first you must do the following.... Then go to your public library ..get a card, so you can use the NAICS code to search the other businesses. at www.referenceusa.com/ Make sure that your library can get you online to use the Reference USA site. Ok now You can look up business in your area, stats include business name, size, employee, estimated sale volume, and other important stats! Good Luck- Kathleen Other Helpful sites when writing your business plan: www.citypopulation.de/www.careeronestop.org/lmi/LMIHome.aspwww.census.gov/www.bizstats.com/www.bls.gov/oco/print/ocos174.htmwww.referenceusa.com/www.claritas.com/claritas/Default.jspwww.commerce.gov/www.fedstats.gov/www.firstgov.gov/Business/Self_Employed.shtmlwww.zapdata.com/