Post by mcm on Mar 1, 2008 15:38:22 GMT -5
do they pay less compared offices etc... or did i just get someone with a limited budget, it seems like he is trying to hire someone for $8 an hr ?
it is a nationwide restaurant.
any help on restaurants would be great thanks
Post by Kevin on Mar 11, 2008 12:43:37 GMT -5
Cleaning restaurants are time constraining, but can be profitable. Most of the chain restaurants close at 11:30, by the time the staff is out it`s usually around 12:30 giving you a start time around 1AM, your looking about 2-3 hours depending on how much kitchen work you have. Most reastaurant owners, and franchise owners want cleaners , the porter type service, and not the cleaning service. They are low balling and try to cut costs everywhere. You will have to pay a premium to keep that account staffed unless, your closing account is the restaurant. (last clean of the night on a shift of 8)
Your selling point is a walk away service, their staff just does their basic nightly clean ups and leaves. Sell it on the labor they will be saving by having your staff take care of the cleaning. Along with the quality of the cleaning. In some cases they have 2 or three kitchen staff making $13 an hour spending an hour or two cleaning up, who are dead tired and could care less about the cleaning or quality of cleaning. Where they can shave that cleaning labor time, be the hero to the staff and give it to you, while saving money. Enough cuts of the normal cleaning labor their staff does can and will add up to your favor.
Post by Grizzly on Mar 13, 2008 7:35:06 GMT -5
On another note, restaurants have one of the highest failure rates of any business. BE VERY CAREFUL ON YOUR ACCOUNT RECEIVABLE. They will try and push the pay time, say from COD to 15 days then 30 days and then low and behold you are out 1 or 2 K. We lost money on one restaurant and have stayed away from them since. Bill